Remove “PRIV” ID3 tag from Google Play Music MP3s

I bought an album on Google Play Music today. Upon inspecting the ID3 tags I noticed a few ugly PRIV tags, but I couldn’t figure out how to get rid of them; none of the ID3 tag editors (puddletag, eyeD3, easytag, etc) or MP3 players (Quod Libet, Ex Falso, Rhythmbox, etc) would even display them. […]

SLURM “scaling CPU count by factor of 2”

I recently re-worked our SLURM configuration to extrapolate the number of logical CPUs based on Sockets, Cores, and Threads. Therefore, a machine with four eight-core Xeons and HyperThreading would have 64 logical CPUs available to SLURM; 4 * 8 * 2 = 64. I thought I was being clever, but it turned out to bite […]

CentOS mirror script

If you’ve got more than two or three CentOS machines on your network, it’s really a waste of time and bandwidth for each machine to download the same updates as the previous/next machine. Or, sometimes you tell your users “I just need 5 minutes to run some updates and reboot” and it ends up being […]