Fix backlight after resume on Linux 3.8 + Intel graphics

For some reason Linux 3.8 doesn’t resume from suspend properly on my Samsung Series 9 NP900X3C. From the comments on this Arch bug report it seems that the system is actually resuming, but the display back light isn’t coming back on. One user suggested using systemd to run the following script at system resume, /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/ […]

Troubleshooting GlusterFS performance issues

I’m in the middle of a new GlusterFS deployment for our research computing infrastructure (storage of Bioinformatics and GIS data). At first I was just happy to see the huge size of my /home partition when I did df -h, but I quickly found that performance wasn’t quite what I was expecting and I started […]

CentOS 6.4 With SELinux Enforcing Denies Mount Action to glusterd

Update: As of March 13, 2013 there is an updated SELinux policy package which fixes this error. The versions are: selinux-policy-3.7.19-195.el6_4.3.noarch and selinux-policy-targeted-3.7.19-195.el6_4.3.noarch Everything’s going great deploying a new GlusterFS-based NAS at work, when all of a sudden we hit a snag: I updated one of my client machines from CentOS 6.3 → 6.4, and now SELinux […]

Migrating from screen to tmux

I’ve been using GNU screen since 2005 or so. Not only is it a great way to arrange your work (multiple terminals in one window, a terminal “multiplexer”), it allows for detaching and reattaching (keep remote jobs running even when the connection drops). The problem is that screen is no longer actively maintained and is […]