Hardware rendering of SurfaceFlinger on Qualcomm Adreno GPUs

When I first started porting CyanogenMod to the Huawei U8185 I was blown away by the performance of Qualcomm’s Adreno 200 GPU; paired with the Adreno 200 GPU, the U8185’s msm7225a Snapdragon architecture made for a snappy and pleasurable experience on ICS. Meanwhile, its cousin (the U8150) could barely handle its stock Android 2.2, leave […]

GPS working on Huawei U8185 on CyanogenMod 9

Thanks to the awesome work from CyanogenMod developers, bringing up Qualcomm hardware on AOSP is extremely easy; it took me all of two minutes to get GPS working on the Huawei U8185 on CyanogenMod 9. Here are the changes I had to make to get GPS working on this little handset: BoardConfig.mk # GPS BOARD_USES_QCOM_GPS […]

Blocking Facebook with DNS

Facebook has repeatedly shown to be untrustworthy in their handling of privacy, their IPO was an over-inflated/over-hyped scam, and their business model is shady at best. I block all Facebook domains at the DNS level so they can’t get their grubby hands on any of my data, browsing habits, etc. To block all Facebook domains, […]

Calls partially working on U8185 on CyanogenMod 9

I recently got GSM working on the Huawei U8185 on CyanogenMod 9. SMS, USSD, SIM Toolkit, etc were all working, but for some reason making telephone calls wasn’t; the call would initiate, crash to the home screen, and then continue in the background. During the crash the audio would route to the loudspeaker for a […]