This server should be on fire

Sometimes users run scripts without checking the parameters first, often recycling scripts they’ve used elsewhere, at former jobs or at other institutes. Sometimes this works out, sometimes it doesn’t… With a load of ~75 and 32 physical cores, the CPU usage on this server is oversubscribed 2.3 times a “normal” 100% load (where 100% of […]

Ubuntu GCC > 4.4.x considered harmful!

Note: I’ve since updated the build server in question to Ubuntu 12.04, where the default GCC is 4.6.3. It seems that at least some of these issues have been corrected in GCC. Your mileage may vary. –Alan, April 28, 2012 I’ve been having some problems with Ubuntu 11.10’s default GCC (4.6.2) for some time now. […]

Linux pro tip: learn to read `top` and `free` correctly

People look at tools like free and top to see how much RAM their system is using, but they almost always fail to read the output properly. Learn to interpret this properly so you don’t freak out whenever you see something like this: At first glance it appears I only have 310 megabytes of RAM […]

Using adb on the Kindle Fire

USB debugging is enabled by default on the Kindle Fire but it’s not obvious how to connect to it. Because I’ll never get the thirty minutes I of my life I wasted figuring it out back, I’ve decided to write about it with the hope that it helps some other poor sucker. The short story […]