I work as a Systems Analyst at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Nairobi, Kenya. In the name of alleviating poverty in the developing world, our scientists generate a lot of data about diseases, weather, markets, etc. Lots of data means lots of servers, routers, switches, etc and, because most science types aren’t tech savvy, I get paid to help them figure out what to buy, where to put it, and how to use it!
Because I’m super organized and love documentation, I keep a log of what I do from day to day; who I help, how I fixed a bug, what I installed, etc. I’ve been doing it for about a year and a half now, so I thought it’d be quite interesting to see what the data would look like if I used the word frequencies to create a word cloud.

Waaa! I’m jealous!
Quit whining, it’s easy. First, I fed my big “diary” of activities into Antconc to generate the raw numbers:
$ head -n 5 diary_wordlist.txt
10 164 HPC
11 155 I
12 155 org
17 109 server
27 81 ilri
… then massaged them a bit to get a simple word:frequency
$ awk '{print $3":"$2}' diary_wordlist.txt > diary_wordlist_frequencies.txt
Right now it’s technically ready to go, but there’s a lot of commonly-occurring junk words such as “to” and “from” which should be cleaned out or else your word cloud will be extremely underwhelming.
Clean up the junk words
I wrote a script which reads lines from a reference file (such as C keywords, common English words, etc) and strips them from my word list, strip_keywords.sh
# a space-separated list of files containing keywords
# we want to strip from the results
for keywords in $keywords_files
while read word
# delete lines containing keywords
sed -i "/$word\s\+$/d" diary_wordlist_frequencies.txt
done < $keywords
Hapo sawa
Now paste that bad boy into Wordle and you'll be good to go.