Replacing Cron Jobs With systemd Timers

systemd has a timer function that can be used to run tasks periodically — yes, like cron. There’s nothing really wrong with cron, but have you ever tried to debug a cron job on a server? The script runs fine from the command line, but nothing seems to happen when it runs from cron. You quickly type date to see how many seconds until the next minute, adjust the cron job, and wait. Nothing. Repeat. *facedesk*

This is the systemd value proposition in this context: timers can be run on demand from the command line, and their output is logged to the systemd journal where you can see it like any other systemd units.

System Backups Using a Timer

As an example, I have a simple shell script — — that uses rsync to back up my system to an external USB hard drive once per day. Converting this job to use systemd timers requires the creation of both a timer and a service.


Description=Perform system backup




Description=Perform system backup


Start and enable the timer:

$ sudo systemctl start system-backup.timer
$ sudo systemctl enable system-backup.timer

Starting the timer is necessary because otherwise it wouldn’t be active until the next time you rebooted (assuming it was enabled, that is). You can verify that the timer has been started using either of the following commands:

$ sudo systemctl status system-backup.timer
$ sudo systemctl list-timers --all

What This Gets You

Using OnCalendar=daily this job will run every day at midnight, similar to cron’s @daily keyword. If you ever want to run the job manually you can invoke its service on demand:

$ sudo systemctl start system-backup.service

Unless you’re handling stdout manually in your script (like appending to a log file), any output from will go to the systemd journal. You can see the logs just like you’d do for any other system unit file using journalctl.

For example, to see logs from this timer since yesterday:

$ sudo journalctl -u system-backup --since="yesterday"

I find this much more elegant than appending to, looking through, and rotating log files manually. Furthermore, I like the ability to set CPU and I/O scheduling priorities in the service itself rather than relying on external nice and ionice binaries in the script. 🙂

More Information

See the following for more information:

  • man systemd.timer
  • man systemd.service
  • man journalctl