Mjanja build server 2.0

Last year I set out to build a powerful server for my personal use at home; compiling kernels, hacking on CyanogenMod, and for use as a media server hooked up to my TV. I bought most of the parts in Kenya, just to prove it could be done. It wasn’t cheap, but it was way […]

Android porting: ueventd parsing order

In a recent CyanogenMod 9 port I needed to set permissions on various device nodes at boot. I knew I needed to use ueventd, but I wasn’t sure which file Android’s ueventd daemon was looking in for device-specific rules. As it turns out, Android’s init system decides which ueventd.*.rc file to parse based on the […]

Enabling logcat on the Huawei U8185

For some reason the geniuses at Huawei decided to disable logcat on the Huawei U8185. No doubt they view it as a security (by obscurity) measure, but it’s really freakin’ annoying as I’m actually trying to do some development on this device. Despite logging being ON in the kernel, logcat is not happy. $ adb […]

CyanogenMod 10 beta for Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus

I’ve just finished putting the final touches on the first beta build of CyanogenMod 10 for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Plus. It feels like it was just the other day that I started working on the CyanogenMod 9 alpha. Jellybean is what Ice Cream Sandwich should have been; it focuses on optimizing Android performance […]

CyanogenMod 9 booting on Huawei U8185

It’s booting. It’s not pretty, but it’s booting. All I can see are lines, which seems to indicate a framebuffer format issue. The lines are actually throbbing, though, which looks to me like the CyanogenMod 9 Cid boot animation. 🙂 For what it’s worth, adb shell works. Here you can see the kernel version: [aorth@ndechu: […]