MythTV with HDMI on Mythbuntu

My new build server doubles as a media front end running MythTV. Because the machine has plenty of disk space and CPU power, it can play high-definition video stutter free even with eight threads compiling Linux, Android, etc in the background. MythTV itself isn’t perfect, but after you get used to its quirks you start […]

New mjanja build server

A few months ago I bought a new Lenovo ThinkPad T420. I love it because it’s fast, the hardware has great support by open-source drivers, and the price was right. Having a powerful laptop is nice, but when you just want something to sit in the corner humming away on compile or transcoding jobs, you […]

Building Android 4.0 on Ubuntu 11.10

The source code for Android 4.0 “Ice Cream Sandwich” was released last week, and Google’s build instructions list Ubuntu 10.04 as the only officially “supported” configuration for building AOSP on Linux. As of this writing Ubuntu 10.04 is a year and a half old, so lots of people have moved on to newer versions, some […]

When I’m Not Compiling Kernels at Home

Contrary to popular belief, hacking on Linux kernels and recompiling Android is not my day job… I am gainfully employed as a Systems Analyst/Administrator/whatever at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Nairobi, Kenya. See? We use high-performance Linux servers to analyze research data, including genetic sequence data, remote sensing imagery, GIS layers, etc. I’m […]

Creating Debian packages for Linux kernels >= 3.0.0 in Ubuntu

The following sequence no longer creates a working “linux-headers” Debian package when compiling Linux kernels newer than version 2.6.x under Ubuntu (tested here with Ubuntu 11.04 and Linux kernel 3.0): cd linux-3.0 make-kpkg clean export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 fakeroot make-kpkg –initrd kernel-image kernel-headers As noted in this Launchpad bug report for the `kernel-package` package, there is a […]